
本鋼琴老師以最高榮譽於澳洲南昆士蘭州大學音樂系畢業。曾獲邀於當地大小音樂會演奏。師承澳洲音樂考試之主考官Wendy Lorenz, 精通音樂理論,鋼琴伴奏及獨奏 鋼琴老師 | 演奏


Airport Representatives will be on duty at arrival hall anytime during operation hours of the Airport, to Meet-and Greet guest and to assist and escort them to the limousine lounge.
H汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Hi Lee (H.K.) Transportation Co., Ltd.

Design is somethink which fills weddin' with beauty, joy, and grace. And makes the whole weddin' we have become a better and happier memory.

Aqua Peel 能深層淨化,去除面部日積月累累積的角質,真空排出廢物, 溶解毛孔內的污垢,吸走黑頭粉刺, 同時滋潤補濕、提拉、提升光澤感及彈力 Aqua Peel是一種非入侵性的皮膚護理療程,利用真空負壓與專用的精華液,軟化皮膚上積聚的老廢角質及粉刺污垢,同時將精華成分導入肌底,達到深層清潔、改善粗糙膚質、粗大毛孔及深層保濕效果。美容院級別的Aqua Peel 完全不是坊間家中的美容儀
d美容 / 面部及皮膚護理derBeaute (旺角美容)

most of the car distributors' maintenance workshops are located. equipped with a full size spay/baking room which is utilized by many tuning companies within Hong Kong.

Main Focus is an exclusive agent of several reputable brands. Such as XX HID, enon HID, Focus 7 color meter as well as the quality EL dashboard.

Expanding Internet applications service provider for Beauty and Education Industries invites the qualified candidates for the following vacancies.

尖沙咀❤️良心美容❤️ One-Man Shop,環境舒適放鬆 12年美容經驗👍🏼 價錢公道😇收費清晰🤗 明碼實價👍🏼沒有任何附加費用❌ 試做價,單次,輕量套餐任君自由選擇💕 主要項目: 無針埋線👑👑👑 (皇牌之選) 蜂巢秒皮激光,嬰兒針Facial,無針水光,磁叉,人手通淋巴排毒Facial..多項深層清潔,保濕療程提供 歡迎whatapp:65377866 預約查詢

We are composed of well trained, professional and dedicated staff with many years experience in the field. Providing one-stop, tailor-made services to our valued customers give us a niche in the mark

HomeSpa團隊細心聆聽每位客人的需要,貼心地度身訂造針對性的方案。 我們提供一站式專業醫學美容、瘦身體重管理、頭皮護理及生活美容服務。

$298(自選2項療程) 養生系列 (3選1) ❤️西班牙抗壓全身淋巴按摩(45分鐘) ❤️英國魅力豐盈健乳療程 (45分鐘) ❤️氣穴正氣排毒療法(45分鐘) FACIAL 系列 (2選1) ❤️SkinClinic B5保濕療程 (60分鐘) ❤️SkinClinic 六胜肽緊緻療程(60分鐘) 查詢/預約:69218624 地址:旺角彌敦道613號飛達商業中心1602室
美容 / 面部及皮膚護理源創美美容鑯體中心

Fresh, dynamic and experienced, Easy Home is a world-class property agency committed to providing its clients w ith the highest professional standard of service.

Our product design and application engineers can support both OEM and ODM business with products having CE, FCC, ROHs and other certificates in meeting the requirement of different regions.

Provide the latest doggie product from Japan, U.S.A., Austria, such as Toys, Snacks, tools for dogs. Owner can enjoy the shopping hours at our Dogging Mall.
P寵物 / 會社、組織及團體PetWorld寵物樂園

We have formed the subsidiary company named Chit Shun Enterprises Co Ltd for manufacturing and global marketing.
買賣及批發 / 孕婦及嬰兒- 孕婦服飾捷順國際興業有限公司

We are missioned to provide the most pleasant experience with perium products of market leaders and professional technicians in the heart of Central
N美容 / 美甲Nail Waxing

沙田第一城中心1樓78號大車位出租, 方便易泊, 無須佣金, 包管理費及差餉
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